Monday, June 1, 2015

Did I step on your toe?

It was just like any other weekday evening - I got back from work ,quickly changed and snuggled in with little Noah who knows no calm until he has had his good stuff. But there was a flutter of excitement in the next room. Papa Tony and big sister Claire were getting ready to do some window gardening. The pots and the dirt had been bought. The bulbs and the seeds were ready - they all just needed to be planted. So while Papa Tony spread out sheets and lined up the pots and filled them with soil, little Claire scurried around being as helpful as she possibly could. And then came the exchange that wafted through the doors and my daughter’s thin stoic voice that tugged at my heart strings...

Papa Tony (in his big daddy voice): Claire - get on this side and put some mud here.
Claire: ok Papa... papa, I think I stepped on your toe..
Papa Tony: Claire - this side , get on this side.
Claire: Papa - did I step on your toe?
Papa Tony: Claire, Claire ... hurry up, this side. We need mud this side.
Claire: Papa - did I step on your toe?
Papa Tony: See , not this way , come over this side. I need you this side.
Claire: Papa - did I step on your toe?
Papa Tony: It's ok... don't worry about my toe.. I need you to listen to me..
Claire: Papa - did I step on your toe?
Papa Tony (in his giving up voice!): No munni - you did not step on my toe. I am just fine..ok ? Now would you please come this side and help me with this pot?
Claire: ok Papa.

What was that Jesus trying to tell us about being persistent in Luke 11:5 -13? How come the little ones always get it right? Isn’t it us - the ‘wise mature ' adults who are supposed to be the ones who 'know it all' and 'get it right'? No wonder we are asked to be like little children to enter the Kingdom of God.

But what came to me that day was about how persistent my Heavenly Father's voice must be - trying to find a free available spot in my busyness...
Priya: I am busy today God, be with me today.
God: Priya - are you in communion with me today?
Priya: I have loads of deliverables at work to get out of the way
God: Priya - are you in communion with me today?
Priya: I have no time for anything , let alone read my Bible or catch up on my prayer time
God: Priya - are you in communion with me today?
Priya: The house is a mess and so is my to-do list. I can't seem to catch up.
God: Priya - are you in communion with me today?

If I am honest, I know I knock God right off the highest place in my heart and crowd it with everything else - with everything else other than His awesome presence. But today - maybe I'll take a cue from Papa Tony and let a thin stoic voice (finally!) penetrate right through and allow it to make all the difference.